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Tamper Evident Banding Applicator

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To add more efficiency in labeling aspects, we have designed exclusive tamper-evident band applicator machine with more innovative features in several aspects including the machine structure, circuit design, machine control and production feature as well. It is a perfect labeling device suitable for beverage industries as the machine is a compatible device that accepts different shapes of bottles for labeling. This machine is a cost effective choice for labeling and reduces the production cost to a great extent.We have equipped the H-type design of machine mechanism along with four wheel drive, automatic centering and four-wheel balanced pressure. To maintain accuracy in labeling we have designed this equipment that makes use of equal velocity ratio for labeling, smooth label transmission, label cutting and reliable operation.

This machine is compatible to accept three to four labels from trapping label machine and make into a single label by changing the module. This feature supports for casting varieties of label models and types. It can work with high disposition when added with motor encoder for whole line automatic stemless speed adjustment.


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